Animal Eye Clinic of Spokane
Our lobby is open, however due to the size of our examination rooms we ask our pet parents to remain in the lobby while we perform the ophthalmic examination. Once the exam is finished the doctor will review the findings with you in person.
We are happy to provide curb-side service if preferred, please let us know when you call or text to check in.
The safety of our clients, staff and their families remain our priority and we thank you for your continued cooperation, support and understanding.

We like to pass along information and links we think will be of interest to our clients and partnering veterinarians.
Why choose a Specialist:
What is a Board Certified Veterinary Ophthalmologist?​
A board certified veterinary ophthalmologist is someone who has completed an undergraduate bachelor’s degree, 4 years of veterinary medical school, 1-year internship in small animal medicine and surgery, and finally a 3-year residency program in ophthalmology. Once the residency program has been completed the individual then undergoes the process of becoming board certified which consists of presenting a credentials package to the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmology Exam Committee. Once the credentials package has been accepted the applicant is then able to sit for the examination; which is a four-day process that consists of written, practical and surgical portions. Once the veterinarian has successfully completed all portions of the examination they are recognized as a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists and are considered to be board certified.
Why a Veterinary Ophthalmologist? When does your pet need a specialist?
The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists promotes excellence in veterinary ophthalmology through advanced training, certification, research and education.
For more information on veterinary ophthalmology please visit the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmology website
Eye Certification OFA
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals – The Canine Health Information Center
Information about eye disease genetics and Companion Animal Eye Registry (CAER)
Clinicians and students of ophthalmology as well as interested breed clubs, individual breeders and owners of specific breeds will find this useful.
Other Care Providers:
Dr. Tammy White provides specialized dental services in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho
Visit the website at: https://veterinarydentistidaho.com
Inland Empire Veterinary Imaging
Veterinary Surgical Specialists - Spokane
A full-service, small animal, surgery clinic providing quality treatment, consultation, and second-opinion services for veterinary surgical issues.
WSU Veterinary Teaching Hospital
The Veterinary Teaching Hospital (VTH) opened in 1996 and is one of the best equipped Veterinary Teaching Hospitals in the nation
Pet Emergency Clinics
Spokane http://www.petemergencyspokane.com
Spokane Valley https://www.aecspokane.com
Post Falls http://www.emergencypetcare.org
Internal Medicine Services:
Post Falls